We accept cash and credit cards

High-quality interior cleaning at your home or company

Our primary service area includes Prague and its neighboring towns (Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, Čelákovice, Český Brod, Jesenice, Kladno, Kralupy nad Vltavou, Lysá nad Labem, Mělník, Odolena Voda, Říčany). But we're flexible! Feel free to contact us for cleaning services in other areas.

Our services include: Professional cleaning of fabric upholstery, upholstered and leather furniture, carpets, and car interiors using the extraction method. 

In addition to our cleaning services, we provide ozone disinfection, steam disinfection for all textiles, and offer rental of cleaning machines or sale of cleaning and impregnating chemicals. 

Our cleaning services cater to both residential and commercial clients. 

For testimonials and reviews, please see below.

Why should you choose us?

  • Outstanding customer feedback
  • Personalized service
  • Timeliness
  • Comprehensive service offering
  • Modern technology
  • Eco-friendly practices
  • Many years of experience
  • Compassionate approach
  • Professional liability coverage

Our services


Customer reviews on Google.com


Customer reviews on Seznam.cz 

ČSAK - Čištění sedaček, aut a koberců na Firmy.cz

Customer reviews on Reservio.com  
